
Tang Soo Do Chung Do Kwan was founded in late 1944 by Grand Master Won Kuk Lee after the Japanese occupation of the Republic of Korea. In 1955 and 1965, the name Tae Kwon Do was proposed by General Choi Hong Hi and adapted by the Chung Do Kwan school and by the other schools respectively. Chung Do Kwan is currently headed by Grand Master Yong Ho Kim.

The curriculum follows closely to those dictated by Kukkiwon. This governing body, headed by Won Sik Kang, is located in Seoul and provides the officially recognised qualification for World Taekwondo Federation events.

The club members often participate in state and national level competitions, organised by Taekwondo S.A. and Sports Taekwondo Australia.

Also check out our affiliate club at Moo Duk Kwan Taekwondo S.A. and Kununurra Taekwondo.

The emblem contains the symbol that is part of the Chung Do Kwan emblem. The fist represents the physical strength, while the scroll represents scholarliness. Within the scroll is written the characters 청도 (Chung Do). The Um and Yang symbol represents balance between the opposing forces of the universe.

Each of the colours represent specific aspects the students of Chung Do Kwan must strive for:
Blue – Strong and unstoppable as the waves of the blue ocean.
Gold – Precious, pure, incorruptible.
Red – Honesty and courage. The colour of life and blood.

The scroll at the bottom of the emblem contains an inscription representing the motto of the club:
Humanitas – Etiquette, humanity, kindness, culture and refinement.
Integritas – Integrity.
Fraternitas Universalis – Universal brotherhood.

Three oaths
The students of the club must abide by the following oaths:

    • I will always give respect and loyalty to the association, the instructor and my club.
    • I will endeavour to attain a high level of physical fitness and develop my character and personal integrity.
    • I will approach others with a spirit of friendship and heed social ethics at all times.

Ten main points
As well as the three oaths, the students must be aware of the following points during training:

    • Ki-ahp – This is done when exerting energy during forceful movement, and unless learnt correctly, is not effective. Before a movement, air should be drawn in through the nose and imagined to rest itself in the lower stomach area. Upon completing the movement, the air should be released through the mouth. Thus making the noise KI-AHP. This is a very important point in Martial Arts and if used correctly, is very beneficial to technique.
    • Always look forward – If you don\’t look at where you are aiming, how do you know if you will hit your target?
    • Maintain balance – This is important for effective technique.
    • Keep your body supple and flexible – Even a little stretching and practice at home will help your technique.
    • Combine force and power with soft movements – and
    • Fast and slow motion techniques required – Together these two points can simply be explained by \’Yin – Yang\’ symbol found on the Korean flag. Ying and Yang are opposite forces working together like fast and slow to create HARMONY, an important element in all Martial Arts.
    • The aim of all techniques should be exactness – Try always to put maximum effort and concentration into every movement. This way you will feel that you have achieved something.
    • Control and co-ordinate distance of techniques – Part of mastering this art, is to learn to control your body. To come within centimetres or even millimetres of your target. We are not trying to hurt each other!
    • Control your breathing – Being a natural part of life, it is important to learn how to control breathing during exercise. Breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth.
    • Strive to strengthen your body – Don’t put limitations on your abilities. You can be as good as you strive to be.

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